Are You on Track?Plan Type: Plan 1 or Plan 2
Get up to speed on your VRS membership and the importance of planning now for your future. Topics include an overview of your VRS benefits and optional programs, why you may want to purchase prior service, and member account resources, such as myVRS. View / Register |
Are You Ready to Retire?Plan Type: Plan 1 or Plan 2
If you are within five years of retirement, this presentation guides you through important decisions, such as when to retire and selecting a benefit payout option. Other topics include using myVRS and your benefits after retirement. View / Register |
Hazardous Duty: Political SubdivisionsPlan Type: Plan 1 or Plan 2
This webinar is for employees in VRS-covered positions eligible for enhanced hazardous duty benefits. Topics include eligibility requirements and how other benefits, such as disability retirement and the purchase of prior service credit, apply to enhanced hazardous duty positions. View / Register |
Hazardous Duty: VaLORSPlan Type: Plan 1 or Plan 2
Learn about retirement eligibility requirements for hazardous duty positions, eligibility for the hazardous duty supplement, and how multipliers are used to calculate the service retirement benefit. Also discover VRS resources available to help you plan your future. View / Register |
Your Next StepsPlan Type: Plan 1 or Plan 2
If you are fewer than 12 months away from retirement, this presentation walks you through the retirement application process. Topics include a timeline of action items, an overview of online retirement in myVRS for those eligible, required forms, post-retirement considerations (such as taxes and COLA) and your VRS resources after retirement. View / Register |